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October Surrey WI News now available here

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October’s Surrey WI News is now available for you to read online.

In this month’s edition there is exciting news about Surrey’s first virtual WI, help on how to get online with Zoom, news about next year’s One Stop Training day and plenty of events news too.

Please click on the following link to view on your phone, tablet or computer via Flipsnack the October edition of Surrey WI News.

If you would like some help accessing the digital version of SWIN, there is now a user guide on how to access the online version, download it and print it. The user guide can be read here.

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Denman: Thanks for the memories

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Denman: Thanks for the memories

September’s SWIN features members memories about Denman. From tales of pom pom making whilst stuck on route on the M25, to stories of the very early days of Denman, to the magic of the place and its many many courses – take a trip down memory lane here.

Take a look at September’s SWIN here – Denman is featured on pages 7 – 9.

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Events: The show goes on

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The Events, Leisure and Fundraising Committee have had to cancel almost all the planned events for 2020 apart from the Brick Lane Music Hall visit which is booked for December 11 — and we are waiting to learn if this will take place! 

Zoom has been a life-saver for many WIs who have managed to keep in touch and even hold meetings via this online service. Denman is offering online tours and work- shops with great success. So we thought it was time the Events team went digital. 

We are delighted to say that Sophie Artemis, the artist in residence at Send Prison has agreed to hold drawing workshops for us. 

The first will be on Tuesday, October 20 from 6pm-7pm and is entitled Drawing Skills (Introduction). Places are limited to 15, allocated on a first come, first served basis, and the cost is £5. 

Sophie will follow this up with a three-week course on Tuesdays November 3, 10 and 17, also from 6pm-7pm entitled Drawing — Really Seeing. Again this will be limited to 15 students who will be expected to sign up for the full course at a cost of £15 for the three sessions. Details of how to book a place on these workshops will be given in next month’s SWIN. Successful applicants will be sent a list of items they will need to take part in the workshops. 

While we are hoping to re-book Lynda La Plante for a literary lunch early next year, we are looking into having a talk with an author via Zoom, hopefully in November. The team is also investigating other virtual events for the rest of the year for your enjoyment and participation during this dreadful period. 

We appreciate that not all members have access to Zoom, but we hope that they can buddy up with a Zoom user to access the virtual events. If you would like help in setting up a Zoom account, our Federation Digital Working group will be more than happy to assist. 

We would like to thank you for the support and participation that you have given to our events over the years and hope it won’t be too long before we can meet face to face. 

Marion Mitchell and Lynne Simpkins Chairman and Vice-Chairman Events, Leisure and Fundraising Committee 

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Have you got our Christmas Cover picture?

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For the past two years, pictures of children from my family have featured on the front cover of the December issue of SWIN. This year I thought I would challenge members to come up with a lovely photo for the title page. 

It has to be high resolution, at least 250-300dpi; must have a Christmassy “feel” and be either square or portrait (not landscape) in orientation. 

So search the picture archive on your phone or computer, and email your photo, saved as a JPG to

June Green, SWIN Editor

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The Time was NOW – and it still is

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The time was NOW — and it still is 

In July’s letter to members our Chairman, Carol Gartrell, again raised the importance of addressing the question of climate change. 

Over a year has passed since the Time is Now lobby of Parliament was held. Rosemary Horton of Dorking Ranmore WI was among those who attended. She wrote thanking Carol for again highlighting the issue, saying: 

“Little has changed, the government has been obsessed with Brexit and now the COVID-19 crisis,” and enclosed a copy of a letter she has written to her MP “just to let you know that WI members are still active in raising awareness about the climate. We may be in lockdown but the climate crisis is still with us and we need to keep up the pressure.” 

This is what she wrote to Sir Paul Beresford, MP for Mole Valley: 

“This time last year I came up to London to represent my WI at the Time is Now lobbying of MPs in relation to the Climate and Environment Crisis. You were good enough to see me and other constituents of Mole Valley and listen to our concerns. Since that day I have taken a greater interest in the way we are living now and how this will change the planet that our grandchildren will inherit. We are on a slippery slope!” 

“You yourself in your address to Parliament on Commonwealth Day, March 9, 2020, talked about the importance of the Commonwealth; was the fact that it makes up 33% of the world population, 60% of whom are under the age of 30. The Commonwealth consists of 54 member states including 47 coastal states which are the most likely to succumb to rising sea levels caused by global warming. This is not just a possibility it is a fact. 

You know that children’s teeth are are protected by having fluoride in the water supply, that is a fact, so you encourage authorities to put fluoride in the water.” 


“Why, if you know that burning fossil fuels is damaging the future for those children, do you not ensure that as our elected member of Parliament, pressure is put on the government to take more urgent steps to address this?”

“As a result of the lobbying last year I have been increasingly frustrated by the lack of progress and been drawn to express my feelings through the activities of Extinction Rebellion.” 

“I had thought that they were a bunch of extremists looking for opportunities to confront authority and as a law abiding, conservative member of the public, I tended to sneer at their activities. I couldn’t have been more wrong.” 

“What I found was a group of angry, intelligent, well informed, law-abiding, hard-working people who had being doing all the right things for years — writing to their MPs, holding meetings to inform the public, printing leaflets at their own expense and tirelessly trying to draw attention to what we were doing to ourselves by damaging the planet. It didn’t work and the frustration came to a head in October 2018 with non-violent civil disobedience.” 

“I can’t put it better than a local member of Extinction Rebellion, a retired environmental scientist who helped co-ordinate teams of scientists on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): 

“My familiarity with the topic over decades had, I had to admit, blunted my sense of urgency. These people had come much later to the recognised the gravity of the threat and the urgent need for effective action.’ 

“I appreciate that COVID-19 has sent the world into turmoil, but we need to learn from the way we have dealt with it. We may gain immunity from COVID-19 but no-one is immune to the climate crisis. The majority of the population are not aware of the severity of the situation. 


Please tell the truth; the current target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 is too late. We have the science to back this, we have the opportunity to reduce biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Jobs will be lost, the economy will suffer, it’s not going to be easy but we have to do what is right. 

“Please reassure me that by this time next year, the Conservative Party can look their constituents and far flung members of the Commonwealth in the eye and know that they have been brave enough to take the measures necessary to protect the environment we live in.” 

  • As Carol said in her article, each one of us can make a difference. How did you get on with Plastic Free July — has it made you think twice? Perhaps Rosemary’s letter might inspire your WI to write to your MP and pose the same questions. After all, they work for you. 

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What to do if your hall asks for COVID insurance

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Our treasurer Sheena Landgraf reports that she has had a couple of queries from WIs where the operators of the halls they meet in are asking for COVID insurance. 

Her response is that the insurance policy held by Surrey Federation does not cover COVID-19 — and Sheena doubts that there is any policy in existence that does as it is generally considered to be an “Act of God” event. 

“Our insurance covers injury or damage resulting from negligence,” she explains. “As long as a WI completes risk assessments and complies with latest government guidelines, it has done all it can to mitigate risk of all incidents, not just the spread of COVID, and you have fulfilled your role to make things as safe as possible.” 

She says she is not exactly sure what the halls in question actually want to be covered and has suggested the operators contact her directly by emailing her at so that she can answer any specific questions about the Federation’s insurance cover. 

She adds: “If they want all their tenants to have COVID insurance they will be waiting a long time before their hall gets any use.” 

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Come together with our new online events programme

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The Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of the Federation’s committees and working parties have been working hard over the last few months to bring a full and exciting programme of events for all members, starting this month. For safety reasons the vast majority will take place online, many via Zoom, a video conferencing provider which some of you are already using. 

The Federation’s Digital team is more than happy to help members to use Zoom safely and efficiently, so please do not hesitate to get in touch by sending an email to the office if you, or a fellow member, would benefit from this support. 

In order to manage the implementation of these virtual events, booking will not take place via the office as before, but will instead be via Eventbrite, an online booking service. 

The name of the event and the relevant link to book on Eventbrite will be advertised in SWIN, on the Federation website and through social media in the same way that events are usually advertised. 

The main difference is that as with other online booking providers, tickets are available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. If you want to browse through the upcoming events, click here and watch out for updates. 

We hope that you are as excited about being able to come together as a Federation as we are!

Digital Working Group 

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How to access Surrey WI News online

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How to access Surrey WI News online

While we are currently unable to provide printed copies of Surrey WI News, we are continuing to share it in a digital format.

If you would like some help accessing the digital version of SWIN, there is now a user guide on how to access the online version, download it and print it.

The user guide can be read here.

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Annual Meetings Made Easy

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Annual Meetings Made Easy – Presentation & Notes

A huge thank you to everyone who attended the recent Annual Meetings Made Easy workshop at the start of September, which was organised and run by our WI Advisers in the Membership Committee.  We hope that you found it helpful and informative.

Please click here to access a copy of the PPT presentation and notes.

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What’s New from HQ (September 2020)

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Message from our Federation Treasurer 

Help: We need more IFEs* 

(*Independent Financial Examiners)

Could you be a Surrey Independent Financial Examiner? 

It is a requirement that all WIs have their annual financial statements examined by an Independent Financial Examiner (IFE). 

Many Surrey WIs know of someone local to them that can per- form the examination. However many do not know someone suitable, and so use an IFE appointed by Surrey Federation. Members of this small team each examine the financial statements for several WIs to make sure the figures presented to members at the annual meeting are in accordance with the objects of the WI and are a correct summary of the transactions in the year. 

As most Surrey WIs have September year ends and November annual meetings, we have a flurry of work in October and early November but not much at any other part of the year. A small fee is paid to examiners for undertaking the work 

We are always on the lookout for more examiners. If you, or anyone you know, might be interested in joining the team please contact me. The examiner does not have to be a WI Treasurer or a WI member; for example if you have a recently retired partner at home whom you think needs occupying they can volunteer (or do I mean can be volunteered?). Or do you have a friend who has time on her hands? The role requires a basic under- standing of spreadsheets as the majority of our WIs prepare their financial statements on a spreadsheet. A reasonable competence with numbers is advisable and an enquiring mind essential. Training is provided to enable understanding of the WI rules and objectives, our Treasurer Handbook and the spreadsheet. 

?Please email Sheena at the office, if you are interested or would like more information. 

Sheena Landgraf, Federation Treasurer

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