WE HAVE just had the first meeting of our new Public Affairs sub-committee and now have a real plan in place — but we need your help to achieve it.
No, it is not knocking on doors or waving a banner in a politician’s face — but something far simpler.
And we are inviting every WI in Surrey to take part.
How often have you been in a ladies’ public loo and seen the same notices on the back of the doors? Now comes our challenge.
Go to www.thewi.org.uk/campaigns/key-and-current-campaigns/see-the-signs, scroll down to How You Can Get Involved and click on Download Our Campaign Action Pack. Scroll down to Page 15 and you will see two copies of a poster.
We would like each WI in Surrey to print this page, laminate it, cut it in half and seek permission to put the notices on the backs of the doors of ladies’ loos used by the public. The village, church hall or community centre where you meet might be an idea for starters.
Normally we would deprecate the use of plastic but this a sensible use of it as hopefully the signs will be up for a long time and they need some protection in that environment.
It would be amazing if we could put a notice on the back of every ladies’ loo door in Surrey, as the WIs in Cheshire Federation did, but that is an enormous push and our Federation does not have that sort of money available. We are not asking you to spend a lot on this — just a little.
You may choose to print and laminate more than one page, but if you only manage to cover two loos it will be enough if the notice is seen by women whose lives might be saved as a result. — Hilary Brooks
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