Invitation to tea with the World President!
As Surrey’s ACWW Representative I was invited to a virtual tea party with our World President, Magdie de Kock. It was uplifting hearing my fellow representatives being acknowledged as they joined the meeting; it reinforced the feeling of being part of Women of the World uniting to work for women’s empowerment.
Phillipa Croft, Southern Counties representative co-ordintaor, hosted a Zoom information and discussion session with Tish Collins (Chief Executive Officer) and Nick Newland (Policy and Communications Manager). Items arising from the meeting to note are:
- Cheques, either for individual membership fees or donations can still be sent to ACWW, A04 Parkhall, London, SE1 8EN. A member of staff collects the post and does the banking twice a week. Please do not send money for ACWW to the Federation office.
- Please carry on knitting jumpers and hats, but hang on to them for the time being as the post box at ACWW office is too small to take parcels.
- An appeal for funds has just been sent out – look under SupportACWW on www.acww.org.uk for ‘2021 Secure ACWW for Future Generations’ appeal. They are looking to raise £50 from each member or member society by April 29.
Jill Mulryan, ACWW Representative
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