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This is me and the Climate

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As we approach the festive season and maybe make plans to see the family, I think we all recall our parents and grandparents and the times we shared with them. They talked about their parents and grandparents, and we were intrigued with the stories of their Christmas celebrations. They are our ancestors. The Oxford dictionary defines an ancestor: a person from whom someone is descended (a progenitor) usually more remote in the lineage than a grandparent.

William Paul Young in The Shack says “Humans, who have been given the task to lovingly steer the world, instead plunder her, with no consideration other than their immediate needs. And they give little thought to their own children, who will inherit their lack of love.”

This extract from Amanda Gorman’s Earth Rise about the climate emergency is a reminder that we too, will one day be ancestors:

‘….Where despite disparities
We all care to protect this world,
This riddled blue marble, this little true marvel
To muster the verve and the nerve
To see how we can serve Our Planet.
You don’t need to be a politician
To make it your mission to conserve, to protect
To preserve the one and only home
That is ours,
To use your unique power
To give next generations the planet they deserve……..”
What is a good ancestor?
There’s a challenging question for the dinner table!

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NEW FOR 2024 – a new look SWIN!

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Our magazine known as SURREY WI NEWS, is to change. A new year offering to you.

We have found too many difficulties preventing the continuation in its present format. We have risen to the challenge of overcoming each problem as it has presented itself to us, and at every point we have consulted with interested members and volunteers. We have widely and repeatedly requested member help and input but eventually we have been defeated in maintaining the status quo. The staff and members who have been working on solutions have had to rethink and we are all very excited and pleased with our solution going forward. So, this encapsulates the future plans.

1. The magazine/newsletter will be produced in-house (at the Federation Office)
2. To be emailed to all members to read on-line in a scroll format rather than the flip. Please, check your email address is on the MCSsystem.
3. An A4 printed version will be available on request at 80p per month for a single copy, including postage. Multiple copies in same envelope will see a significant savings, full details of which will be available in due course.
4. The design team are working on the new design.
5. Articles, Events, OVER TO YOU, will be received in the usual way
6. We welcome regular contributions ie. On climate change, current affairs, gardening tips, life-style choices, crafting, cooking etc. We welcome new ideas by agreement with our Editors.
7. The Editors will liaise with the sub-committees Chairs re: the Events being planned.
8. Adverts from WIs and Members organising events will also be found in our very own New Style Magazine!!

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