Federation Meetings
The Federation aims to hold two meetings a year, the Annual Council Meeting (ACM) in March and the Autumn Federation Meeting (AFM) in October. Meetings generally last all day.
We welcome feedback and ideas to make the meetings reflect the current needs of members. They are a brilliant way to meet other members of the Federation and exchange ideas and to learn about activities the Federation offers. There are usually speakers (in the past these have included Esme Young, Amanda Owen, Tom Hart Dyke and Rev Kate Bottley) and again we welcome ideas of speakers you would like to hear from.
We aim to provide displays and stalls for members to investigate before the meeting and during lunch break. At the ACM there is a display from Federation Committees as well as exhibits of entries for our competitions; and stalls where members can indulge in some retail therapy from local small businesses and country markets. There is also always a good raffle.
At the ACM we offer bursaries for Surrey Federation courses and events and at the AFM we offer the opportunity for all members to take part in the ‘bursary dip’ by placing £2 in a named envelope and a draw takes place. Bursaries will be awarded to the value of the amount raised and any excess carried over to the following year.
Members apply for tickets to both meetings via an application form in Surrey news or via the website.
The Annual Council Meeting in March is the business meeting for the Federation. The Council is made up of of the Federation Trustees and one delegate from each WI. Delegates are provided with a free ticket to the ACM from the Federation and can claim travel expenses from their WI. Any member of your WI can be the delegate and will vote on behalf of their WI and report back to their WI about the meeting. It is a business meeting where decisions, which can impact all Surrey WI members, have to be voted on.
The Federation reports on its financial state and what it has done for members during the past year. Please see the information above for further information about this meeting. All SFWI members can purchase a ticket to attend the meeting and enjoy the day.
The Annual Council Meeting – Saturday 29 March 2025 online.
An Annual Review is produced for adoption by the Delegates at the meeting.
Also requiring adoption are the minutes of the previous ACM.
As with all annual meetings the Council needs to adopt the Standing Orders (SFWI Terms of Reference Policy as shown) of the meeting which become available at the end of January and delegates should be prepared to adopt the orders at the meeting.
The Chairman and Treasurer’s reports, which were presented at the meeting, are published after the meeting.
Held in October, the Autumn Federation Meeting (AFM) is more of a social occasion. It briefs members on what the Federation is doing as well as educating and entertaining them with top quality speakers.
October 2025 date to be confirmed.
NFWI Annual Meeting
In June the National Federation of WIs holds its annual meeting at which each WI is represented. With about 7,000 WIs in England and Wales it is impossible to find a venue to seat this number of people, so to reduce the numbers one Delegate represents a group of WIs. In Surrey a Linking list is produced. If the first named WI is unable to provide a Delegate, then the second WI gets the opportunity and so on until a Delegate is found.
The NFWI Annual Meeting will be held online on Wednesday 4 June 2025.
Delegates and Observers
At NFWI AGM the Delegate represents 4 WIs voting on their behalf (possibly using discretion to change a vote) and then producing a meeting report to give to the WIs after the meeting. The delegate should contact her linked WIs in plenty of time and offer to attend their resolution voting meeting. If this is not possible votes can be sent to the delegate.
Observers may be asked to be a proxy delegate if all the WIs in a row are unable to supply a delegate.
Annual Council Meeting (ACM): Saturday 29 March 2025 – Online
NFWI Annual Meeting: 4 June 2025
AFM: 2025 to be confirmed
The list indicates the WIs who may be represented by a Delegate. A Delegate is invited from the WI in column 1 to represent the votes from the other WIs in that row. If no Delegate can be found in the 1st WI please contact the WI in column 2 to ask them if they can provide a Delegate. If none of the WIs in the row can provide a Delegate please contact the office.
An application form for the NFWI AGM for a delegate to represent up to four WIs, vote on their behalf and to produce a meeting report afterwards for those WIs.
NFWI have confirmed the Observer tickets are available on a donation basis, with the recommended donation for individual tickets set at £5 and the recommended donation for group tickets is £20.
In the event of a WI link of four WIs being unable to find a Delegate to vote on their behalf at the NFWI AM and report back on the meeting to their linking WIs.
Please note that Observers may be asked to be a proxy.