Circumstances permitting, towards the end of May we will be sending the following to all treasurers:
- Form for Additional Membership Fees
- Application Form for Independent Financial Examiners
- Confirmation of the Federation Public Liability Insurance if your WI has paid its contribution with membership fees earlier this year
- A list of additional speakers for the 2020 Year Book which should be passed to your programme planner
There may be additional items so please check the contents letter which comes with the pack. If you are a treasurer and do not received any/all of the above, please contact the office urgently.
Many Treasurers are now working on the accounts from an Excel spreadsheet which includes a financial statement. If, however, you still require two A4 copies of the financial statement, please email the office info@surreyfedwi.org.uk and these will be posted to you.
Diane Sanderson, Federation Secretary.
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