Resolutions: Your chance to make a difference
THANK you for making your selection from the resolution proposals published in WI Life. When the numbers across the country have been collated, NFWI will let us know the ones that have had enough support to be considered more fully at the AGM in Liverpool in June.
Resolutions always start with you, or members just like you, who have a passionate desire to make real changes to our world.
Just consider our Plastic Soup campaign and how that has really influenced governmental policy and also washing machine manufacture. The manufacturers were adamant that filters could not be built into their machines but pressure from all sides has now forced redesign (see article, Page 16).
If you are thinking you would like to change the world, talk to either Frances Harryman or myself as we are your resolution advisors for SFWI. Please, please do this when you are at the thinking stage and before you start to write anything. We can be contacted at Resolution1@surreyfedwi.org.uk
The earlier you start the better so do it now, in February — don’t wait until June.
Hilary Brooks
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