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THE switch to Office 365 is happening! Last year 62 members from 27 Surrey WIs took part in Office 365 Training, either at the Federation’s headquarters in Guildford, or in situ at various WIs around the county.
Ruth Bolton, our Digital Editor, is now running at least one training session a month* — which can be in Guildford or, if you’re in a WI with at least three members who’d like training, Ruth can come to you.
Many WIs are hesitant about the switch — they may already have a Google mail address for their WI and a Google drive to organise their WI business, so why change?
Others may be reluctant to learn another digital system and may have been out of a work environment for some time and lost confidence in their computer skills.
The advantages of Office 365 are:

  • Each WI is given four email addresses (info, Secretary, Treasurer and President). These stay with your WI regardless of the changes of personnel.
  • Many WIs use the info@ address in place of their gmail address as the central point of contact. Secretaries, Treasurers and Presidents can then use their unique email address if they wish to keep the info@ box uncluttered.
  • Your WI’s email contacts list in your info@ email account can also be your up-to-date members list — you can add addresses, phone numbers etc as members join or leave. (You can import/export it as a spreadsheet any time).
  • Office 365 allows you to set up your WI’s own document storage area that only your four email addresses have access to. You can file away your minutes, flyers, planning notes and photos all in one place and never have to worry about losing them or passing them on to your successors!
  • Any forms that you may have previously downloaded from the SFWI website can also be downloaded from the SFWI area in Office 365.

If you would like to discuss training, please email Ruth at or ring 01483 238291 on Mondays and Tuesdays. The cost of training is £9 per person, or £27 per WI for up to six members and usually runs between 10.30am and 2.30pm with a coffee/tea and short lunch break.

*See Pages 3 and 6 of the February magazine for the latest training dates.

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FEBRUARY is traditionally the month of love, and WI members show their love for the planet by making and displaying green hearts in their towns and villages.
Our cover picture this month shows one Surrey member who went on the march to highlight the need for action on climate change.
Lesley Andrews (she’s the one on the left), runs Great Bookham Belles’ Environment Group and joined the Climate Justice Coalition march in London, which ran at the same time as COP27 was being held in Egypt.
She walked with other WI Climate Ambassadors from the Shell Building to Trafalgar Square, to highlight the fact that energy companies are making record breaking profits whilst global temperatures and energy bills are rising and people are being forced to choose between heating and eating.
Lesley told SWIN: “It was so lovely meeting up with other WI Climate Ambassadors, Jill Bruce and Andrea Cooper from Essex Federation and Annie Palmer from Bedfordshire Federation, who are far more knowledgeable than myself. I learnt a lot and look forward to meeting up with many more Climate Ambassadors in the future.”
Please do what you can to show your love for Mother Earth this month. Make and display green hearts in your neighbourhood to get people talking and thinking about climate change; send or give a green heart to your MP to make sure he or she keeps up the momentum on climate change. You will find plenty of ideas on MyWI on the NFWI website — just search for Show the Love.

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What’s New from HQ (February 2023)

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The mailing sent to WI secretaries at the end of January/early February should have included the following:

  • Presidents and Secretaries List 2022 (only if you have opted to receive a hard copy); *
  • Annual Review 2022;
  • Membership Fees Form;
  • Two copies of 2023 Yearbook, please use this to book speakers;
  • Letter to secretaries about the Council Meeting together with Standing Orders for Council Meetings
  • Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting 2022.

We will continue to post non data protected information on the Surrey Federation web site, To find these documents, click on the menu at the top right, then resources and then document library, which opens up to show five tabs. These are organised into general docs, forms, groups, speakers, WI treasurers.
Most items can be emailed on request. If any items are missing, please let the office know as soon as possible via email and a replacement can be emailed or posted.
Please note that this is written before Christmas, so please check the letter sent with the mailing for full information on the contents.
*For WIs using the Office 365 cloud-based system all mailed items are filed under General in the corresponding year then the months in which they were sent out.

Karen Whitehead
Federation Secretary

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Message from our Federation Chairman (February 2023)

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Do you like to make things? I do. I link my interest back to my love of the make-and-do items in the BBC Picture Book series, the Enid Blyton Nature Lover’s Books and of course Blue Peter.
I recall reading with great enthusiasm Enid Blyton’s account of the life cycle of a silk worm and was desperate to have silkworms and make my own silk! The opportunity seemed to have arrived when we moved into our current house and there, in the garden, was a mulberry tree. I was soon to be disappointed however as I learned I had a black mulberry, and that the more nutritious white mulberry leaves were silkworms’ preferred food.
Apparently, many made this mistake and planted the black mulberry, including Denman College that had two gnarled, recumbent old gentlemen in the walled garden.
Acquiring new skills was a key motivation for me to join the WI and I have not been disappointed! Have you signed up for the forthcoming Craft Day? It’s not too late and you may learn a new skill. [See Page 6]
‘Crafting’ is a bit of a derogatory term I feel. I prefer the word ‘creativity’. Do you include creative meetings in your WI programme? We do. There are so many benefits of crafting together. It’s a wonderful social activity, a good way to make new friends, improves your mental health, fine-tunes your motor skills and is believed to beneficially stimulate the right hemisphere of your brain.
I am a member of a patchwork group. We meet at the local canal centre. The group comprises ten women of diverse age and background. The only thing we share in common, apart from our wish to sew, is that each walked down the towpath one day, spotted a quilt in the window, went inside and were hooked.
The things I have benefitted from most are friendships made and the sharing of skills. This has been immensely valuable to me. It also makes an excellent recruitment ground for the WI. Three of the group are coming along to our next WI meeting.
The WI has featured creative projects in recent years as a tool for campaigning. An object shared can often promote discussion in a way words on their own cannot.
Introducing our campaigning work to members and non-members alike through a memorable hand-made artefact can really provoke and promote engagement.
Have you made and sent a ‘Show the Love’ green heart to your MP? Did you make a lavender sachet to donate to your GP’s surgery to promote the ‘5 Minutes that Matter’ campaign? Do you recall the arresting and thought-provoking bunting made by Surrey Vixens Virtual WI to highlight the number of women killed by men after the death of Sarah Everard in 2021? Have you made a climate change scarf or crafted a ‘Make a Match’ blood drop?  WI resolutions once adopted go on for ever so it’s not too late to revisit a past campaign with your WI members. Try a craft meeting focusing on a past or current resolution. Have a go. There are endless resources on my MyWI. If you haven’t set up your password, do it now, you will not regret it. The staff in the Federation office will help you. Inspire your WI to campaign through crafting and see what discussions and actions result.
February is the month to ‘Show the Love’ for your planet. It is your opportunity to share your love of our planet, to highlight the need for everyone to make real changes to the way we live and to share this message as widely as possible.
Last year I made a string of green hearts and fastened it to a nearby fence. I watched from my window. People stopped, looked at the hearts and read the accompanying posters. It certainly raised the issue in their minds and was a very practical, cheap and unexpectedly successful activity.
I like to challenge myself when doing patchwork. I don’t like to waste fabric. A large quilt made, offcuts from the flying geese turned into a rainbow quilt, the leftovers from that became a crazy quilt table runner, the final remains face coverings.
You might like a different sort of challenge. Did you go along to the Edenbridge and Oxted Show last year? What a wonderful couple of days they were. I loved the piglets. Could I have smuggled one home? I think my husband might have noticed as the garden was uprooted. Perhaps next time!
The star of the show for me, however, was the awesome display of competition items in the WI tent. The range of skills on show was unbelievable. What a challenge for the judges. I even entered a couple of items myself. What astounded me was the range, level and quality of all the entries.
Here is a challenge for you. The 2023 Edenbridge and Oxted show schedule will be with you soon. Why not demonstrate your creativity by entering an item or encouraging your WI to submit a collaborative entry? I will enjoy seeing the fruits of your endeavours. Good luck!

Carol A. Gartrell
Federation Chairman

  • The Edenbridge and Oxted two-day Show is held over the August Bank Holiday weekend at the Ardenrun Showground, Tandridge Lane, Lingfield, RH7 6LL.

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