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Meet Ruth, Our New Digital Wizard

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THE Federation is delighted to announce the appointment of Ruth Bolton as our new part-time Digital Administrator.

Ruth writes:

I started my career in broadcasting in London, many years ago! Since moving to Surrey 15 years ago, I have translated these skills to event management, and inevitably, digital event management.

I have worked locally for an educational charity and a local school and more recently freelancing as a website builder and manager and the ‘back office’ manager of The Dance Project in Dorking.

I see my role as the Digital Administrator at SFWI as twofold: To keep the digital platforms up-to-date with the latest news and events; and to help committee members with the transition to Office 365.

Moving to Office 365 will be different for everyone — and I’m here to help either by phone, email, by referencing our WI Notes, or by running workshops.

I’m in the office on Mondays and Tuesdays and welcome any queries you may have — email me via the office.

I’m really delighted to join the SFWI team and to be working in an environment that brings women together for political, social and creative reasons.  I look forward to meeting members and trustees.

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Enlargement: A Happier Alternative to Suspension

WHAT do we mean when we say “Enlargement”?  This time we are not referring to the results of lockdown eating and lack of regular exercise, thank goodness.

This dreadful pandemic has affected us all and we may take some time to return to our way of life pre-Covid, but the WI continues to flourish and inspire us.  A few WIs are suffering from low numbers of members and increasing costs and are worried about their future.

However, there is a solution which may apply to this particular situation. It is called “Enlargement,” whereby one WI joins another to establish a new, enlarged WI which is clearly a happier alternative to suspension or closure. One WI is called the “terminating” WI and the other is the “continuing” WI.  Each WI calls a Special Meeting and a WI Adviser is present at all the steps and proceedings.

At the Special Meetings of both WIs a secret ballot is held to approve the resolution and terms of the enlargement.  At least one quarter of members must vote on the resolution and a three-quarters majority of those voting is required in favour of the enlargement, in both WIs.

It is a relatively simple process which will mean that members can stay together and also be involved in a happy, positive new step in the history of their WI.  A combined meeting of the WIs is then held to agree the name of the new, enlarged WI, and an election of a new committee and President also takes place.  After completing financial reports, funds from the terminating WI transfer to the continuing WI.  A new, healthy and happy WI is formed.

If any WI considers this as a way forward please consult with your WI Adviser who will help you and discuss a plan of action.

Helen Mayne, WI Adviser

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Forest School Training Bursary

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LAST year the Surrey Wildlife Trust linked up with the Federation and offered a WI member a £400 bursary towards the cost of training as a Level 2 Forest School Assistant.

It was awarded to Nell Pink of Cheam WI, who wrote about her experiences in the January edition of SWIN.

Now we are delighted to be able to offer another £400 bursary for Level 2 training, which will take place over four days on May 9-10 and June 13-14 this year at Nower Wood Educational Nature Reserve, Mill Way, Leatherhead, KT22 8QA.

Forest schools offer all people (children, young adults, and adults) the opportunity to develop confidence, social skills, communication, adeptness and more through interacting with nature.

They are discovery and exploration-based, promoting the love of learning new things, at the same time developing one’s character, resilience, social skills, and more.

Forest Schools offer a refreshing alternative to the traditional classroom setting. The experience of having learners go into nature and be outside to learn, sparks many educational benefits.

The total cost of training for a Level 2 Award for Forest School Assistants is £490 (inclusive). The chosen applicant will have to pay the £90 balance.

Participants should be over 18 years old and have some experience of working with young people or adults, for example youth workers, teaching assistants or teachers.

In addition they must:

  • Be DBS checked.
  • Attend the four days of theory and practice.
  • Be able to assist with the planning and delivery of three Forest School sessions.
  • Complete a workbook of evidence.

The course commitment is approximately 60 hours and there is an option to attend a monthly mentoring session (these are not compulsory but highly recommended).

The course should take six months to complete, although some have handed all coursework in after a few months.

To apply for the bursary, write or email the Federation office with your name, address, phone number and name of your WI, stating why you are applying, your experience of working within the community and the qualities you are able to bring to this role.

Applicants will be shortlisted by the Federation and may then be interviewed by a member of the Surrey Wildlife Trust staff.

The closing date for applications is April 19.

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March’s edition of Surrey WI News now available here

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March’s Surrey WI News is now available for you to read online.

This month’s edition includes the Annual Council Meeting, Forest School, Southey Cup, International Women’s Day plus lots more! 

Please click on the following link to view on your phone, tablet or computer via Flipsnack the March’s edition of Surrey WI News.

If you would like some help accessing the digital version of SWIN, there is now a user guide on how to access the online version, download it and print it. The user guide can be read here.

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Message from our Federation Chairman (March 2022)

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Abuse of women: It’s an old story

It’s 6.15am on the shortest day of the year. I sit in my studio, my plan to wrap Christmas presents, but my mind is elsewhere. I pick up my fountain pen to write — a long term habit from examinations at university. Outside, remarkably, the birds sing in the dark murk, perhaps prompted by the myriad Christmas lights left on overnight — oh, what a waste of energy, poor planet!

I reflect on the words of Jenny Harries, Head of the UK Health Security Agency, who said that Omicron is probably the most significant event since the start of the pandemic and will lead to a staggering number of cases. The implications of her words still resonate in my head. My thoughts go immediately to the Annual Council Meeting (ACM) 2022. Can it happen? By the time you read this we will know the answer.

Two years ago, on the eve of the ACM 2020, I drafted the following to close the meeting that never happened:  “The shadow of the Coronavirus looms large. We are [maybe] on the  brink of [another] unprecedented health event”. How apt those words still seem two years on! Or maybe, just maybe, the vaccine will this time make a difference?

I am in awe of the magnificent creation and roll out of the vaccine (driven by the significant innovation of one female British scientist, Professor Sarah Gilbert) and the equally impressive take-up that will, surely, ultimately lead to the end of the pandemic.

I have read more during the last 18 months. The latest book to fall on to my lap, or rather my pillow, at bedtime is the story of Margaret, Duchess of Argyll.  Was it just a coincidence that as soon as I started to read, the same story appeared in an article in a magazine and was the subject of a new drama broadcast on Boxing Day — A Very British Scandal?. Intriguingly, she was buried next to her first husband in Surrey’s Brookwood Cemetery, plot 119.

The story reminded me starkly of the journey of our once Send Inspired WI member Sally Challen, who suffered intense coercive control abuse from her husband over a lengthy period, served a substantial part of her sentence for murdering him and was eventually released when the true circumstances emerged.

The abuse of women has been significantly exacerbated by Covid lockdowns and has been forefronted by NFWI Wales in its ongoing NO MORE Violence Against Women campaign, for which Bagshot WI member Rita Freeman won third prize for her T-shirt logo design. Well done Rita! We as WI members must continue to raise our voices on this issue.

But the controlling behaviour of men over women (and, it has to be said, although less so, of women over men) is not a new story. It  has been told many times and yet it so often goes unnoticed.

Another novel I read recently, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, written by the 28-year-old Anne Brontë in 1848, raises the issue of the behaviour of the abusive, brutal, alcoholic, unrepentant husband, Arthur Huntingdon, at a time when wives where perceived merely as their husbands’ chattels. The novel was universally denigrated when published for its supposed misrepresentation of male behaviour! This novel deserves the accolade of the first feminist novel, and is as relevant today as it was then.

The WI has campaigned long and hard with many mandates focussing on violence against women. As WI members we embrace the objects that benefit the lives of women and their community and we must continue to do so in whatever ways we can. I know that you can do this for you have been improving the lives of women in so many different ways, particularly over the last two years.

It has been said that a pandemic such as the one we are currently experiencing is a two- to-four-year episode. At worst we are half-way through, at best we are nearly home. Maybe the latter is becoming a little more possible?

As March dawns and as the clocks spring forward, let us, as an organisation, spring into a new tomorrow.

Carol A. Gartrell
Federation Chairman

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