Happy New Year, Happy New Federation News format, Happy New WI Year.
2024 has started with some very sad news for us at the Federation. One of our Advisers, Helen Mayne King sadly died on Boxing Day. Helen had stepped back from ‘duties’ a few months ago to focus on her health and has been very much supported by members of her WIs (Pyrford WI and New Haw and Woodham WI) the other members of SFWI Member support team.
We are very much going to miss Helen’s sense of humour and fun and theway she was able to support us calmly and quietly, and the WIs she looked after. Helen had a lovely way of seeing the funny side to most situations, yet was always able to use her professional judgement and acquired knowledge to support WIs and members. She is missed as the President of Pyrford WI just as much as we miss her on the Members Support Team.
Please contact the Federation office if you would like details of Helen’s funeral arrangements and/or any donation opportunities in her name.
At the Annual Council Meeting in Dorking Halls on Monday 18th March, Jill and I will be ‘hanging out down by the stage’ during the lunch break. We would be delighted to meet you and for you to share thoughts, questions and ideas with us. If you haven’t booked a ticket yet, please do contact the Federation office to do so and come and tell us all about your WI. We look forward to seeing you there.
Angie Leach, Co-Chair, Surrey Federation
Well this is exciting! The first edition of our new-look Surrey Federations’ Surrey WI News. Angie and I hope you find the new format as exciting as we do. The editorial team are to be congratulated on their production, done so swiftly. We would love to hear your feedback.
We are hoping that you will let us know more about your WI’s activities in the “Over to you” section and more of you will be tempted to write articles about your particular interests for your magazine.
This has always been the time for new beginnings, wishes made and hope renewed. When did this urge to make wishes in the New Year come from? There are many theories but which one is your favourite and why? That would make an interesting series of articles!
Angie and I hope you have had a great Christmas and are able to make those
New Year Wishes with confidence.
Jill Mulryan, Co-Chair, Surrey Federation
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