In 1996, Nina Barough CBE, Founder and Chief Executive of breast cancer charity Walk the Walk, woke up one morning with the idea of Power Walking a marathon in a bra to raise money for breast cancer.
Just months later, she led a group of 13 women, as they Power Walked the New York City Marathon wearing decorated bras. The group raised £25,000, which was granted to Breakthrough Breast Cancer. Nina had never fundraised before and had no connection to breast cancer.
Weeks later, Nina was diagnosed with breast cancer herself. Her career running her own styling and production company came to a sudden halt, allowing her to focus more on her inner and outer health. Grabbing this rare opportunity to re-boot her life, Nina started eating well and walking outdoors every day.
In April 1997, Nina’s friends and family wanted to support her and entered the London Marathon, walking the event in decorated bras, raising another £25,000 for breast cancer.
The following year, Nina entered another team for the London Marathon. Only half received places, but undeterred, she created a one-off night-time Power Walking Marathon ahead of the official London Marathon. The iconic MoonWalk London was born
The breast cancer charity which Nina then founded – Walk the Walk – has now raised more than £134 million through its MoonWalks, a series of night-time outdoor fundraising marathons. The money is granted to fund research into breast cancer and to help support people already living with cancer.
Nina and Walk the Walk (which has its headquarters in Woking) are passionate about encouraging women, men and children to realise their own potential for good health and wellbeing by walking.
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