25 and 26 August 2024

Class 1. CO-OPERATIVE CLASS  “The Past Re-imagined”


1st Streatham WI                         2nd Warlingham Evening WI                 3rd Cheam WI                             4th YWI Dormansland

Entry Form

Class 4. Snack Time

This year’s Show theme for the SFWI is Make, Do, Mend; a modern take on the 20th Century National Policy for reducing wastage during WWII. In 2024 we still believe in taking care of our precious resources and protecting our environment – eating less meat is one way that contributes to this.

Class 4 is to present two meat-free individual ‘sausage’ rolls.

Please provide the recipes used to make your delicious savouries.

There is more information on what your judge will be looking for on pages 124 & 128 of ‘On With the Show’

Entry fee £3.00
1st prize £20.00

Entry Form

Class 5. Playtime (An Open Class)

This year’s Show theme for the SFWI is Make, Do, Mend; a modern take on the 20th Century National Policy for reducing wastage.

In 2024 we still believe in taking care of our precious resources and protecting our environment by reusing/recycling items and materials already available to us. So that little piece of wood you’ve been stashing for years in your shed, now is the time to put it to good use!

What is an Open Class?

This means that anyone can enter. We welcome entries from EVERYONE as long as you are aged 18 or over. You don’t have to be a member of the WI either, but if you are, we encourage entries from all WI members in the UK as long as your entries can be brought along to the showground between 08.30 and 10.30 am on Saturday 24th August and collected at 5pm on Monday 26th August from the WI Marquee.

So if your son is a ‘sewist’, your auntie an artist, your boyfriend a brewer or your neighbour is a ninja with a chisel and hammer, then please let them know and pass on an entry form!

Class 5 is to produce a toy or game made in any medium.

We really look forward to seeing what you, your friends & your family create to become part of the WI’s biggest exhibition and Show!

Entry fee £3.00
1st prize £20.00

Entry Form

Class 6. Sleeping Beauty

This year’s Show theme is Make, Do, Mend, a contemporary spin on the WWII National Policy on rationing new clothes. In 2024 we still believe in taking care of our precious resources and protecting our environment, so we are encouraging up-cycling, re-purposing and repairing to reduce waste by utilising materials already available to us.

This class will test the sewist or crafter’s skill by re-purposing bed linen to create a new item.

Sheets, duvets, bedspreads, quilts and pillow cases are all included and accessories are allowed so go wild and use your imagination to create something new! The item itself can be anything – it doesn’t have to be clothing.

We can’t wait to see what you will come up with.

Entry fee: £3.00
1st Prize: £20.00

Entry Form

Class 7. It’s a Cracker!

This year’s Show theme is Make, Do, Mend, a contemporary spin on the WWII National Policy on rationing new clothes. In 2024 we still believe in taking care of our precious resources and protecting the environment so we are encouraging up-cycling, re-purposing and repairing to reduce waste by utilising materials already available to us.

For this Class, we are asking you to create a re-useable Christmas cracker. Wouldn’t it be great if this became a trend and in doing so reduces waste and means that families have their own environmentally friendly, future-proof alternative?

If you are a sewist or crafter, we bet you have a stash of fabric and craft supplies to be able to make one without the need to buy new fabric?!! If this is you, we would love to see your version.

Entry fee: £3.00
1st Prize: £20.00

Entry Form

Class 8. Accidents Will Happen

This year’s Show theme is Make, Do, Mend, a contemporary spin on the WWII National Policy on rationing new clothes. In 2024 we still believe in taking care of our precious resources and protecting the environment so we are encouraging up-cycling, re-purposing and repairing to reduce waste by utilising materials already available to us.

This Class is all about visible repair – a growing trend to create an individual and ornamental approach to repairing an item. The objective is to highlight the repair in a decorative, creative and obvious way. There are many techniques and materials that can be used to make the repair and extend the life of your item. Use up what you have in your crafting stash ad let your imagination run wild!

We would like you to repair a garment or household fabric item. Please provide a photo of the item before repair and bring it along with your entry to the Show.

Entry fee: £3.00
1st Prize: £20.00

Entry Form

Class 9. Use your loaf

This year’s Show theme is Make, Do, Mend, a contemporary spin on the WWII National Policy on rationing new clothes. In 2024 we still believe in taking care of our precious resources and protecting the environment so we are encouraging ‘using up what you have’ in your cupboard!

This Class is about making your favourite tea loaf. Please provide your recipe with your entry.

What will the judges be looking for?

Please see page 117 in “On With the Show” for more tips and advice.

We look forward to seeing your best bakes at The Show!

Entry fee: £3.00
1st Prize: £20.00

Entry Form

Class 10 – Click. An Open Class.

Back by popular demand!

This year’s Show theme is Make, Do, Mend, a contemporary spin on the WWII National Policy on rationing new clothes. In 2024 we still believe in taking care of our precious resources and protecting the environment.

What is an Open Class?

This means that anyone can enter! We welcome entries from EVERYONE as long as you are aged 18 or over. You don’t have to be a member of the WI either, but if you are, we encourage entries from all WI members in the UK as long as your entries can be brought along to the showground between 08.30 and 10.30 am on Saturday 24th August and collected at 5pm on Monday 26th August from the WI marquee.

So if your son is a ‘snapper’, your auntie is awesome with aperture, your boyfriend a bonanza with bracketing, or your husband a hotshot with hot shoe, then please pass on the word along with an entry form!

This Class is simply about submitting a photograph of something that inspires you. The photo should be unmounted and the size should not exceed A5 (6×8” / 20cmx15cm approx).

What will the judges be looking for?

Please see page 105 in “On With the Show” for more tips and advice.

This Class was very popular with the visitors to the WI Marquee last year and we are confident it we be a crowd-puller again, so snap away and be part of The Show!

Entry fee: £3.00
1st Prize: £20.00

Class 11. Short and Snappy

This year’s Show theme is Make, Do, Mend, a contemporary spin on the WWII National Policy on rationing new clothes. In 2024 we still believe in taking care of our precious resources and protecting the environment.

This Class is about asking you to compose a five-line Limerick on an environmental theme. We know that we have many creative writers in SFWI, and we look forward reading about the waters in Woking or litter in Limpsfield!

Please email your Limerick to Jill Mulryan by 10.08.21 Jillmulryan@gmail.com or post to 13, Cumberlands, Kenley, CR8 5DX

All entries will be re-produced and uniformly presented in the same format. The Class will be judged in advance of The Show.

Entry fee: £3.00
1st Prize: £20.00

Entry Form

Class 12. Mission Binpossible

This year’s Show theme is Make, Do, Mend, a contemporary spin on the WWII National Policy on rationing new clothes. In 2024 we still believe in taking care of our precious resources and protecting our environment,, so we are encouraging up-cycling, re-purposing and repairing to reduce waste by utilising materials already available to us.

Ornamental structures and installations have become the mainstay of garden designers and are becoming ever more popular in our own homes. Whether you have a garden, courtyard, balcony or windowsill, this Class is asking you to make a piece of garden art made from items destined for recycling/landfill in any medium.

The item should have a maximum base of 16” / 38cm and the height is entirely up to you.

So turn trash into treasure! We are confident that this will be an eye-catching display and crowd pleaser at The Show.

Entry fee: £3.00
1st Prize: £20.00

Entry Form

Class 13. Feed the Birds.*Children’s Class*

This year’s Show is ‘Make,Do, Mend’ a spin on the 20th Century policy for reducing waste by re-using materials we already have by repairing and re-purposing.

We know that our younger generations are just as passionate about our planet and we and inviting children to get involved in this year’s show by inviting them to create a bird feeder using recycled materials. Maybe a plastic yoghurt pot or milk bottle could be transformed into a feeding station for our garden birds?

If you are a parent, grandparent, carer, teacher, youth leader or know an individual child, class or group that would like to get involved, please get in touch, we would love to see your entries.

Let your imagination run wild!

Class 13a – aged up to 11
Class 13b – ages 12-16

Entry fee: Free
1st Prize: £10.00 for each age group

Entry Form

Class 14. Fun without Foam

This year’s Show is ‘Make, Do, Mend’ a spin on the 20th Century policy for reducing waste by re-using materials we already have and in doing so, having a less harmful impact on our environment.

Many gardeners and florists are considering their choice of materials and are opting for less plastics and environmentally harmful substances without impacting on their creativity and glorious end results.

For this year’s floristry class, we are asking for a floral arrangement in a jug using fresh plant material without using oasis or foam.

Maybe use what you are growing in your garden or flower pot? Natural, seasonal, locally sourced plant material in your favourite jug will spark joy and create a beautiful display

Please see page 162 to 165 in “On With the Show” for more tips and advice.

Entry fee: £3.00
1st Prize: £20.00

Entry Form

Class 15. Just Hanging Around

This year’s Show is ‘Make, Do, Mend’ a spin on the 20th Century policy for reducing waste by re-using materials we already have and in doing so, having a less harmful impact on our environment whilst still being creative and having fun.

This Class invites everyone to enjoy their favourite medium or craft to create a wall hanging. So whether you a quilter, painter, quiller, mad about mosaics, calligrapher, knitter or felter, we are really excited to see your creation.

There is no minimum or maximum restriction on size but please consider this, along with your chosen method of hanging for display purposes at The Show.

Help us to make 2024 the most spectacular, vibrant and diverse display ever!

Entry fee: £3.00
1st Prize: £20.00

Entry Form

Class 16. Let’s Drink To That. An Open Class

What is an Open Class?

This means that anyone can enter! We welcome entries from EVERYONE as long as you are aged 18 or over. You don’t have to be a member of the WI either, but if you are, we encourage entries from all WI members in the UK as long as your entries can be brought along to the showground between 08.30 and 10.30 am on Saturday 24th August and collected at 5pm on Monday 26th August from the WI marquee.

A bottle of homemade spirit based liqueur. Labelled to show type and date of
making. A wine bottle with flanged cork or a swing stopper bottle to be used.

Entry fee: £3.00
1st Prize: £20.00

Entry Form