AS Federation representatives have been travelling around the county visiting WIs, we have been struck by how vastly different the WIs are — and yet how similar.
Two of the documents we have been holding up are the WI Charter and the WI Code of Conduct. They are created and sent to us by NFWI and help us with consistency and fairness in our WIs.
For those currently in a workplace environment the documents will be very similar to those you have at work. Many of us who have worked in larger organisations will also be familiar with the format and content, though these are tailored to the voluntary WI sector.
They can be found on MyWI and on www.surreyfedwi.org.uk in the document library. Please use them, like all other documents, as a point of reference for running your WI.
We would like to hear from you about ways that your WI has made members feel particularly welcomed, appreciated and encouraged. Our membership consists of so many Inspiring Women with such wonderful ideas for kindness and inclusion and we would really like to learn from as many experiences as possible.
We all know the importance of being made to feel welcomed and valued when we walk through the door to a WI meeting, of being introduced to someone to help us enjoy the meeting and know what to expect. We all know how important smiles and friendly chatter are and being accepted for who we are.
Sadly, many of us also know how it feels to enter a room and feel as though we don’t quite fit in, how we are not made to feel welcome and how nobody quite has time to stop and say hello.
The membership team would really appreciate your top tips to being a friendly and welcoming WI for all members, new and old. Please send your ideas to your Adviser, either directly or via the office.
– Angie Leach
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