WI Treasurer Training

By July 25, 2019 February 23rd, 2020 Training Page

A treasurer has to organise the payments for the WI and receive and bank the money coming in, and record these in such a way that she can produce annual accounts that comply with charity law for presentation at the annual meeting.

The Federation provides a spreadsheet to assist with the record keeping, an extensive treasurer’s handbook and Sheena Landgraf, the Federation’s treasurer runs several workshops a year. These workshops give an opportunity to meet other treasurers, and each session covers a wide range of topics. A course handout covers items that don’t fit into the session and provide notes for later reference. They also give you an opportunity to understand terms that are used in the financial statement, find out how to complete the accounts sheets, file the paperwork and other areas that will make the role of treasurer run smoothly. It’s also a great opportunity to find out how other treasurers do things.

The workshops are open to those thinking about becoming a treasurer, the president or others from the committee if they want a better understanding of the financial statement.

Treasurer training sessions will be bookable from the What’s On page. Click Training Events to check if there is an upcoming one.

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